In questo video il fratello Fred Zacaria, classe 1959 e residente a Roma zona metro Battistini, si presenta e condivide la sua testimonianza di cammino spirituale, con le varie tappe e pietre miliari: il cattolicesimo, l'evangelicalismo fondamentalista, fino alla creazione del suo proprio credo gnostico-mistico : Lo "gnosticismo cristiano" definito di stampo "zacariano". Inoltre spiega come un Dio di infinito amore non abbandona l'umanità ma salva tutti a prescindere; chi crede nell'incarnazione ha la vita eterna immediata, chi non avrà creduto sarà comunque salvato ma sarà "rimproverato" per un breve momento. Per maggiori informazioni cercare "Fred Zacaria" su Google ed esaminare i molti link che conducono a tutti i social + articoli sui giornali. Dio vi benedica.
Tel. +39.3807770333.
Email: p.s.
Fred Zacaria è apolitico, non appartiene a nessuna religione istituzionale, è stato un complottista dal 1975 ... ma ora non più!
Fred Zacaria born in 1959, studied at the University of Rome, is the founder since 2001 of "Acap", Associazione Cristiana Aiuto Pratico", a charitable mission helping the needy with free: food, clothing, courses, and mainly now domestic jobs, tens of thousands of families and persons found jobs through the mission. Various Acap prayer groups were formed in asian countries, combining pratica help with spiritual councelling.
He also ran 4 prayer halls in Rome open to the public all year round from 2001 till 2017, they were prayer and Bible preaching with daily practical help, the activity is momentarily online (smart working) and we pray to open soon another prayer hall of we find a sponsor.
He was a public orator speaking in italian churches and travelling Italy from north to south in the nineties, he stopped trabelling due to founding Acap in 2001 and getting very busy with his own mission.
He read the equivalent of hundreds of books on many different subjects in 3 languages. Visited many countries in: europe, middle east, gulf area, has been twice in the USA (NY, DC, Atlanta Georgia, Orando Florida), he is of mixed parents [italian egyptian].
*Since 2015 is the founder of a christian gnostic ideology [based on ancient egyptian cryptic knowledge], the "zacarian christian gnosticism", a neologism already discussed in some cultural circuits. He is generally addressed as "father" or "pastor" which is neither! Prefers to be addressed as "brother" or simply "zacaria".
Fred Zacaria was born roman catholic (for 30 years) then became an evangelical (for 30 years), his expertise since 1975 is connecting world (social, political, economic) events in relation to "Revelation 13"! He encourages all forms of dissent but exclusively within the democratic framework of 'law & order' respecting common rules of whatever society God has placed us in, and only through means of peaceful NON violent actions, including the way we communicate (speak or write) with each other.
*He shall be uploading, if accepted - God willing- videos of narrative fiction (fantasy stories): of science, politics and religious nature.
----->>>This is a fantasy channel.
*For further information visit his website
*Q&A?-------> Tel. +39.3807770333 Rome, Italy.
*Podcasts, search: fred zacaria podcasts
*Booking for events : +39.3273674858 (please allow 90 days).
*Please pray and support the ministry:
Who is Fred Zacaria? – fredzacaria
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