Judea Declares War on Germany

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    5 subscribers
    In this 2004 documentary film, Dr. Fredrick Toben exposes the "Holocaust" for the hoax that it is. He marshals an impressive body of evidence to clearly demonstrate that what we've all been taught was a massacre of 6 million Jews is really just the biggest of Big Lies.

    Some tidbits:

    No shred of a paper trail has ever been found ordering the execution of Jews.
    No gas chambers capable of killing large numbers of people has ever been found.
    No crematoria capable of burning large numbers of bodies has ever been found.
    Jewish leaders repeatedly have claimed that 6,000,000 Jews were killed after every major conflict in Europe.
    And much, much more. After seeing this film you will never fall for the Holohoax again.

    TalieVision's growing playlist of pro-White & White-friendly documentary films: https://tv.gab.com/playlist/documentary-films-618bfd26ee09760530f4c834


    "Holocaust or Hollow Hoax? 10 Reasons the 'Holocaust' Never Happened"by Russell James: https://www.stormfront.org/forum/blogs/u151910-e4657/

    Mr. Toben's book, FIGHT OR FLIGHT: THE PERSONAL FACE OF REVISIONISM: http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/F/fight-or-flight.html

    Public video - 01:12:44


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