Your thoughts soon will soon become PUBLIC property

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    Your THOUGHTS will soon become 'public domain' will NOT even own your own thoughts...soon the hate speech laws will include your actual thoughts, as literal 'thought crimes'...the moment you think something you MIGHT say, it becomes PUBLIC ... when 5 G A.I starts 'reading your mind' ... and publishing the contents without your consent out divergent thinkers:
    Even Buddha stated, precisely, ‘SPEAK THE BENEFICIENT TRUTH’. Meaning that telling someone the truth, with the intention of harming them, is also not good. Oops, just gave the Cult of Judah ‘Hate Speech’ a boost. For THE ‘Jews’ argument is that it is NOT whether something you publically uttered / published about a ‘Jew’ or ‘Jews’ was TRUTHFUL or not. But whether you INTENDED HARM in uttering / publishing it. Which Brendon O’Connell has NOT addressed as the supposed ‘expert of hate speech laws’. There is NO way around a law when it is open to being INTERPRETED to ASSUME that ANY criticism of ‘Jews’ IS motivated by an irrational hatred of all ‘Jews’, by ‘anti-Semitism’, and NOT by a desire to SAVE US AND THE ‘JEWS’ FROM THE CULT OF JUDAH’. Not by a desire for justice. Not by a desire to prevent harm. Not by a desire to protect the innocent. Not by the BEST of intentions. But by MALICIOUS intentions. Dear Brendan, there is NO way around the cunningly crafted legislation. Until you deal with THIS aspect of the hate speech laws, they remain a minefield that any ‘Jew’ can ‘activate’ at will. And suddenly people who thought they were walking safely and confidently, suddenly find themselves ‘triggering’ mines they had not realised were planted ALL AROUND US. The problem is how can you prove your motives were NOT malicious? How can you prove your motives were BENEFICENT? Well intended? Uttered in ‘good faith’ and with good intentions?
    And while on the point of hate speech laws, we must re-visit the whole idea of ‘IN PUBLIC’. For an utterance must be made ‘in public’ for it to come under the authority of current hate speech laws. This could mean standing up at a public meeting and saying ‘I don’t believe ‘The Holocaust’ propaganda’ or publishing a video on YouTube, or posting the comment on any social media site. Or even speaking where you COULD be overheard by ANYONE. Even your own children, who could be taken away by ‘community services’ and put in foster homes, for some casual remark they overheard you make in your own home.
    It may sound ‘unreal’ to you, but the experts are STATING that A.I will soon be able to LITERALLY RECORD pre-vocalized thoughts that you have merely expressed INTERNALLY, in your own mind.
    They are presenting this breakthrough in the best light. As a means for people to communicate without even speaking. For example I wouldn’t need to type what I am now writing. I could just ‘think’ it. Verbalise it internally. Not actually having to SAY anything at all. Just carry out an internal dialog with the software / hardware interface. Just think the words without actually saying them/ speaking them aloud. Like when you read and ‘hear the words in your head’. Just the reverse of this. Hearing the words in your head, they will appear on your screen.
    Now a very seriously respected authority on A.I has stated publically that the NEW boundary of ‘privacy’ has just been pushed back and INTO your own head.
    The new ‘public domain’ will start at the PRE-vocalization level of your thoughts.
    I have the person on video and will edit that video, without misrepresenting the context. For the context WAS all about PRIVACY. And the meaning of the term PUBLIC and PRIVATE in the brave new world of A.I that is just a decade or so away. Given the rush to install the new 5G ‘internet of things’, the implication is that soon YOUR THOUGHTS WILL NO LONGER BE YOUR PRIVATE POSSESSION. THERE WILL BE ZERO PRIVACY FOR THE MASSES. There will be 5G receivers and transmitters on every corner of every street of every town. Even remote towns. Freeways. Forests. These will register your movements literally step by step. So the new miniature ‘attack drones’ with ‘high explosives’ would be able to locate you, and face recognise you, within moments of any ‘authorized party’ deciding you were an ‘enemy of the state’, and thus legitimate target for assassination.
    The potential dangers of 5G are totally researched. The man who once earned millions as a lobbyist FOR the telecommunications industry, is now the man responsible for REGULATING the telecommunications industry. Fox watching over the hens much? Does this surprise you? It won’t surprise people who have been paying attention to the ‘goings on’ in Washington over the last few decades.

    Public video - 00:14:16

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