Using sensitive Infra Red cameras & REPRESENTING 'sound' pressure spheres VISUALLY

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    14 subscribers
    Compression of the air, distortion of fractal VOLUMETRIC fields within the MONAD, formed by expanding pressure spheres whose circumference is a pressure ¨front', produces DISTURBANCES-oscillations - pulsations - vibrations in the frequency bandwidth that our minds render primarily as 'SOUND', but also, to a degree our senses are NOT able to render, as HEAT... so the old blue-red shift could be of use here too...and in human terms it occurs, all around us, but requiring super-human perception to 'see' it i.e render it in the visual representation system... instead we HEAR it, and sometimes FEEL it, but with the right gear, we could SEE it, and it would become really obvious that we are always and everywhere dealing in VOLUMES and SPHERES and NEVER EVER dealing with 'waves', or even 'particles' ... just THREE DIMENSIONAL VOLUMETRIC FIELDS expanding and contracting, periodically... and the rate at which they do this determines WHICH of our SENSES will resonate sympathetically with them, and lead to the mind rendering them as sight, sound, taste, smell, haptics, texture, etc etc
    hashtag SOUND
    hashtag VOLUMENTRIC

    Public video - 00:29:08

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