EMF is one possibility, here is another possible EXPLANATION OF THE 'MYSTERY' OF 'THE TRINITY'

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    14 subscribers
    I offered Electricity EL L and Heaviside's working of Maxwells Mathematical equations, as a potential TRINITY. But the typical Astro-Theological basis of most religious myths - narratives - dogmas - mysteries would lead me to lean towards this astro-theological explanation of 'The Trinity'. A sun god is so typical. And if your sun, at least at some times, at some time in our past, was made up of THREE planets, Mars, Venus, and proto-Saturn, in conjunction-alignment, and if they moved out of that alignment, either regularly, or suddenly, it might still be reasonable to understand how people might still want to treat them as a single entity, with THREE parts...so, is our 'Mystery' solved?
    hashtag TRINITY

    Public video - 00:06:37

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