Lauren Southern, eSkanks, and the Role of Women in White Nationalism

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    "Feminism" (I put it in quotes, because, let's face it, there's nothing feminine about it) as promoted by powerful Jewish interests is designed to separate women from men and children, in order to get them to think, act, and -- most importantly -- vote in ways that advance the interests of those powerful Jewish elites. In a nutshell, it enables the worst, most egotistical desires of women, in order to weaponize them against society.

    Mark Collett unpacks past drama involving Lauren Southern and other alt-lite cam whores.

    He makes the point that we need both good men and good women in our cause and that we should forgive people who haven't lived-up to our standards, in the past, as long as they are truly repentant.

    He also points-out that we should not allow corrupt people like Southern to divide us.

    See TalieVision's growing playlist of pro-White speeches, talks, lectures, sermons, and other presentations:

    Read "Feminism Is Not about 'Gender' Equality":

    Public video - 00:20:07


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