The evolution of my 'Speaker cone analogy', through 'Carrier Wave analogy, to FIELD (as the Monad!)

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    14 subscribers
    Plotting amplitude over time good tool for visualisation but be sure not to reify artefact...hete are more precise ways to visualise phase relationships without obfuscation etc common to most
    Plotting amplitude over time good tool for visualisation but be sure not to reify artefact...hete are more precise ways to visualise phase relationships without obfuscation etc common to most
    I need to get my own wifi somehow. I have been suffering the heat up here in the stairwell (no windows open, all sealed shut, and me just having gotten over a heat-provoked series of migraines) for over an hour and this vid is at 85%, after spending an hour in the supermarket and only getting to 45% You can guess how cherished and respected I feel when I have only one regular supporter, and all up only 5 people, in my entire life, have contributed financially to this enterprise, to a tune of around 3000 euro TOTAL. I guess it is just a fact that, more or less, I am the only person who truly values what I do, or understands WHAT I am doing, and TRYING to achieve, and the REAL POTENTIAL of my enterprise. I guess if you do not offer comfort and feelings of security, relief, or ideally pleasure, then your product or service is of no interest to the public- Worse, I am skeptical of the guy letting me use his wifi. EVen though I help him move heavy furniture etc, share things I find with him, and gave him many hours of english lessons etc, I think he has limited my internet access somehow. I can log in, and see 7Mbs download, for a moment, before it reverts to 12.6kB...yes Kilo Bytes, and his deal is around 50Mbs minimum...and his wife has online lessons, which would be impossible with the bandwidth I am accessing, so I suspect even HE has betrayed me, despite all the good-will building activity of mine...but hey, HE is at least making THIS possible, while almost all my viewers do NOTHING AT ALL to help me succeed at saving THEM, along with myself, from what is coming---busting my brain trying to explain things I could just as easily just keep to myself, for my own benefit... as clearly we have no chance of winning this war, and no-one wants to join me in setting up a Vegan Republic that might have a chance to retain its sovereignty I deleted lots of complaints I have written in similar situations, rather than post them... I am so hot and and I guess I feel used, and disrespected, not just misunderstood etc...and again I say download all these vids and books, because on the spur of the moment I may just delete everything to spite everyone who has failed me so badly, and to have a chance of getting a job somewhere, so I can earn enough to get wifi etc, and learn all the things that interest ME, to satisfy MY curiousity, without feeling any need to WARN anyone i.e offer insights that occur to me... respect has to work BOTH ways... and I have to get over the need to communicate with people... because essentially people do NOT communicate i.e do NOT SHARE i.e do NOT listen, they just want to be heard...and is that what I am doing here myself? Who knows, but I have offered the best expose of what has been going on, and I have been ignored... I have detailed the evidence, and what it suggests is coming ... and yet most of you still believe viruses exist, and waves exist, etc etc...o.k it uploaded, so I can go... YOU WANT TO TINKER AROUND THE EDGES OF YOUR CIRCLE JERK TO KEEP THE REACH-AROUND do not want to see it is ALL a huge lie, and WE are collectively responsible for EVERYTHING bad that happens, has happened, and is going to happen any moment now... so WE will not be acting in the ways necessary to avoid it... and I will be the victim of EVERYONE ELSE because I cannot stop US doing what WE do, guaranteeing THEM victory, in this life ... Hopefully I can ascend to higher planes. I am not responsible for what YOU choose. I have tried to offer all the evidence and arguments I could find, but they are not 'appealing' or 'attractive', compared to the reach-around of the various circle jerks ... if this does NOT apply to you, no reason to be offended...if it does, then remember I only speak the BENEFICENT truth, with My, OUR, and YOUR best interests at heart...
    hashtag COSMOLOGY
    hashtag PRIMERTY
    hashtag PROPERGENTS

    Public video - 00:36:13

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