Race and Reason with Tom Metzger: Henry Cory Interview

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    5 subscribers
    Tom Metzger and co-host David Wiley talk with black activist/gadfly Dr. Henry Cory about their mutual support for one another and their shared goals for America.

    TalieVision's growing playlist of RACE AND REASON episodes: https://tv.gab.com/playlist/race-reason-618bfec9937c79052fa1d71a

    TalieVision's growing playlist of News & Talk videos: https://tv.gab.com/playlist/news-talk-618bfd0b07c0af140ec9531d


    "Identity Politics: A Primer" by Russell James: https://www.stormfront.org/forum/blogs/u151910-e4650/

    Public video - 00:28:54

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