The virus playbook

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    full transcript at description of this video at these sites  description please press bush  button  '  at those sites url  links here  to show more ' to see full text  joshwhotv . com  and nobodyhasthe . biz
    The ‘Virus playbook’
    I’m going to simplify the whole ‘virus’ REALITY. You DECLARE that some tiny particle, a fragment of DNA that is different to the DNA of the cells nearby, is your ‘virus’ microbe. (Forget that it is either likely a natural product of the immune system or a bit of DNA that was ‘shock-transformed’ by some trauma, or could easily belong to an almost infinite number of as yet fully gene sequenced micro-organisms).  You never actually find and present and ‘image’ and DNA sequence an ENTIRE ‘Virus microbe’ because there are NONE TO BE FOUND. All you EVER have to work with is this ‘tiny fragment of less than one percent of a DNA strand’. In a lab you MANUFACTURE / CONSTRUCT a ‘FRANKENSTEIN’ DNA strand out of this. But it is NOT VIABLE. It can NOT self-replicate. Not even under the perfect lab conditions for this process to occur. Let alone in any living animal host. Let alone in any human. Thus there is ZERO chance it could ever be 
    So you first APPROPRIATED some tiny fragment of DNA for your ‘virus’. Next you need to really push your luck and APPROPRIATE symptoms of existing medical conditions and poor health, and stress, and diseases, and illnesses, for YOUR ‘virus’. You simply ‘CLAIM’ them as symptoms of your imaginary virus. 

    But don’t worry, Homo Fideo (Believing Man) takes any perceived high status AUTHORITY at their word, and simply believes anything they say. It saves them having to think for themselves. And dog-forbid, invest any effort or time in ‘doing their due diligence’ and honouring their sacred responsibility to their children. 

    To your personal surprise, you get away with it. Now you see why your 'handlers' and 'bosses' were so confident in the first place. Now you have utter contempt for 'the general public'. They are not deserving of your respect. Let alone any fear they might 'see through the obvious deception'. So you are now empowered with the ultimate in self-confidence to RAMP UP THE ABSURD 'DECLARATIONS'. With absolute, unwavering, confidence in 'Homo Fideo' SWALLOWING ANY CAMEL YOU HAND IT, you prepare the next doozy of a whopper of a lie.

    You simply claim your virus is ‘MOSTLY ASYMPTOMATIC’. Meaning ‘most people show ZERO signs of any sort of ‘infection’ or ‘disease’ or ‘illness’ at all. Sounds incredible. You wouldn’t have believed you could ‘get away with it’. But they’ve been running this ‘virus fraud’ for decades now. And OWN the ‘authorities’ and ‘mass media’ and Hollywood, where most people get their ‘medical knowledge’.

    So you have a tiny DNA fragment you APPROPRIATED for your ‘virus’. You then APPROPRIATED symptoms from existing medical conditions for it. What’s next? How long can you hold your dupes in thrall? Keep them living in FEAR, their reptilian basal brain functions dominating, preventing their higher brain centers, where logic and reason reside, from 'seeing through the obvious lie'. You've got them convinced, terrified even, that there is a 'novel' pandemic 'virus'. They've even managed to AVOID seeing through obvious lie of you appropriating EXISTING, CONVENTIONAL, symptoms for your supposed 'virus'. Cognitive dissonance has been your ally. And faked 'consensus' has produced that 'collective ignorance' upon which 'the whole system' is built. Everyone believes everyone ELSE believes, and that in itself has a certain 'authority' to it, for most dumb-asses. (Sorry, Asses are geniuses compared to most humans!). 

    Soon the TERROR subsides, as 'nothing unusual has happened'. How long can you after having CREATED THE VIRUS MYTH, MAINTAIN THE VIRUS MYTH? You are going to need something NEW, real quick! But don't worry, your HANDLERS have all the 'solutions' already flowing on their 'production line'. Just waiting for you to 'distribute' them.

    You started with NOTHING AT ALL 'new'. Nothing 'novel'. The particles / DNA fragments had always been there, doing no HARM to anyone at all. The existing symptoms are nothing new. They rightfully are the 'property' of OTHER REAL DISEASES. Often 'lifeystyle illnesses' that are SELF-INFLICTED by drug abuse, poor diet, etc.

    So 'It's time to start something new', right? If you are a naive 'medical' professional, it would never occur to you what comes next. You have been devoted to 'above all, do no harm'. So the next 'phases' of the 'virus CYCLE' would never have occured to you.

    Your bosses need something NEW. But you've got NOTHING. Nada. Nix. Nichts. Zilch. 'Nothing up your sleeve, HEY PRESTO!' They have produced what they are calling a 'vaccine' for supposed 'protection' from the 'alleged' virus. And people are submitting to being injected with it. You imagine it is just a form of 'creating demand' for some harmless saline placebo injection that will make your bosses BILLIONS. Governments are so corrupt they can be 'bought off' to make these saline injections 'compulsory'. So far YOU have NOT comprehened YOUR guilt. Businesses exist 'for profit', and that is all you see your 'scam' to be doing. Generating profits. No harm done. No-one cared about YOU, right? Why should YOU care about THEM, when it is just about MONEY?

    What you might NOT have realised is that your 'bosses' have much LARGER plans for their 'virus' which have little to do with 'generating business profits for shareholders'. They have planned in advance for a potentially unending sequence of NEW 'Variants' of their 'original MYTHICAL creation', their 'virus'. In our case, today, the 'Corona virus'. 

    How would this be possible? Well you put stuff in your ‘vaccine’ that will produce diseases and medical conditions, SYMPTOMS, which you can then CLAIM as ‘symptoms of 'something new and even MORE deadly'. A VARIANT of your current virus’. You have control. You can decide what ‘symptoms’ you want for your VARIANT, and simply build them into your current ‘vaccine’ for the original ‘virus’.
    Now you’ve ‘set the stage’ for ‘part two’, then a trilogy, a quadrulogy, a series, in fact a new GENRE of ‘diseases’. You now have control over which symptoms you will give your next VARIANT. They will be the DELIBERATE INTENDED CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR LAST ‘VACCINE’ or ‘BOOSTER SHOT’. They will appear in any official records as ‘Side-effects’ or ‘Adverse effects’. But they were THE INTENDED EFFECTS. Not ‘accidental’. 
    Do you ‘grok’ me yet? First you set up your imaginary ‘virus’. Then you appropriate symptoms for it, or claim it has no symptoms. But THEN, having tric icked your dupes into lining up for their ‘vaccine’, you have total control over what ‘symptoms’ your ‘vaccine’ will produce. You can plan well in advance. Set up your ‘virus’ or ‘VARIANT’ production line for the next 7 years, as is clearly the case. With Australian COJ (Cult of Judah) occupation government ‘authorities’ having already bought 14 ‘booster shots’ and ‘vaccines’ to FORCIBLY injected into the Australian people, one every 6 months. 

    Now you know how they could ‘plan ahead’. How they could ‘KNOW IN ADVANCE WHAT EACH NEW ‘VARIANT’ WOULD BE, even though in theory this is IMPOSSIBLE. As that is supposed to be the whole POINT of ‘virus’ mutation. Its unpredictability.

    Public video - 00:11:07

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