SEVEN again, this time LOGIC GATE configurations, and HARMONICS explained

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    14 subscribers
    This is as clear as I can make it, without screen-capture programs, but I think it is simple enough. The main thing is to have no fear of viruses etc, as there is nothing to harm your computer in any way in this folder
    That number 7 again, and a simple clarification of what UPPER HARMONICS are, and why people sound different, and why even 2 mass produced, production line, generic, guitars, can sound different . I am finding some good videos explaining bits and pieces about logic gates, and binary, etc, but they all make assumptions about what part of their explanation is already known by the viewer, so they seem to miss a whole lot of explanations ... sort of typical ... so I have to find a whole lot of videos etc about the thing, and work out my own complete explanation for myself... it is tedious work, REALLY explaining EVERYTHING ... and experts often confuse writing up something that makes sense to THEM, and something that will NOT leave any HOLES in the absolute beginners step by step accumulation of understanding...anyway, if glass 'alleged insulation' is not carrying the power AROUND itself i.e magnetic fields, then so far no-one has explained to me how the glass encompassed conductor 'charges' the N division of the transistor...anyway, taking me forever to find videos and download them, and find the right ones that fill in the HOLES and GAPS in the videos I already have...but it is promising... at least some people have bothered to explain something ... better than traditional 'textbooks' and videos that are just 'audio textbooks with anmiation' etc etc ... anyway, lots of work to do on GROKKING how computers work, and I feel certain it will bring insights into the very concept and notion of 'Intelligence' per se and why some people like us appear to recognise patterns in human interactions, society, etc, while the majority do not ... or why some of us WANT to KNOW what is going on, while the others appear to be willfully...deliberately...avoiding facing reality...does it come down to superior processors? or just that we have nothing to lose by being wrong about what we thought we knew ... etc etc etc so sad all the resources go to kwacks and shills and simply intelligent people COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS of what is going on around them ... why should they pay attention? they have it too good, and are just happy to enjoy the benefits of their random position in society ... life is good for THEM, so what do they care about the rest of us? Until it is too late and they too suffer the general fate with the rest of us... even then they were be absolutely certain that 'There has been some mistake, and when STALIN etc realise, they will rectify it, and correct it, and I will go back to my comfortable life' just as they did during the Soviet purges and Gulag days!
    hashtag HARMONICS
    hashtag SEVEN
    hashtag  LOGICGATES

    Public video - 00:19:47

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