Solzhenitsyn is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION as part of the defamation of Germany

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    14 subscribers
    I hereby award Solzhenitsyn the Stalin Prize for his contribution to the 'Holocaust' narrative, and defamation of Germany, Germans, National Socialism, and Hitler. And note, this Co2vid cult, now with Biden (as scripted) in power in U.S, will, due to lockdowns and C02 minimisation measures, WRECK the world's economy to a level never even achieved during WWII, bringing with it a BILL that will eclipse the costs of even WWII, in today's values, due to 'restrictions' and 'lockdowns' and 'energy policies' etc etc, all part of the Co2vid Cult ... the latest generation / branding / subsidiary of The Cult of Judah...bankrupting the world's nations, and making them all vassals of The World Bank and IMF, the proxies for The Cult of Judah New World Order One World Dictatorship

    Public video - 00:22:31

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