The third in this THREE part, epic ramble. 'That's all there is, There is no more' (Madeleine)

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    Of course I am channeling for spirits, and repeating what Angels told me, and what God said to me, and I even wrote it in a book, yes a book... so you KNOW it must be TRUE ... who could DENY all such obvious TRANSFERRED AUTHORITY ? Only a mentally ill, evil, heretical, infidel !!! Oh, and we backdated the book a few thousand years, just to add that extra touch of TRADITION... Oh, and I promise I found the key facts engraved in golden tablets... and the god left marks on my forearm, but I think it would be crass to show you such 'evidence'... I demand FAITH... take a leap of faith... do not worry, I have a great circle jerk planned with lots of reach-arounds... also I have been given the power to perform miracles, like L Ron Hubbard, but like him, I think it would be crass and sacrilegious to perform them like some party magician for your entertainment... and if I appear to die, it will just be me ascending to higher planes, after having finished my work here... you know, like L Ron did not die of cancer etc .So you can safely say 'ALMOST EVERYONE KNOWS IT TO BE TRUE' ... give me a few generations, and by the time the current one is dead, and no-one is around to 'remember' differently, all this will be so FAMILIAR to you you will FEEL FOR CERTAIN THAT YOU KNOW IT TO BE TRUE... etc... (Madeleine is a French animation series for children that I very much enjoyed watching anytime it happened to be on t.v, I think in Poland or Germany?).

    Public video - 01:00:00

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