Straw Man-ning, fake everything, counterfeits, and alleged 'hedge funds'

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    14 subscribers
    everything is being discredited by the erection of FALSE, counterfeit, fake, everything, from institutions to forms of government ... this is a very important subject ... especially if you have been tricked into submitting to some fake cult of judah religion i.e a counterfeit of TRUE religion, even their Menorah might be a counterfeit 'tree of life', a mockery of Ygdrassil... important insights others are unlikely to expose you they are relatively subtle and sophisticated... I JUST NOTICED A LOT OF VIDEOS ON LONG COVID I.E PROPAGANDA, I BET I CAN EXPOSE THE LOT AS FRAUD ETC AND IT MAY BE VERY IMPORTANT, BUT I CANNOT EVEN DOWNLOAD THOSE VIDS TO WATCH THEM WITHOUT VIEWER SUPPORT... SO IF I MISS SOMETHING VALUEABLE THERE, AN INSIGHT ONLY I CAN OFFER, OR ARE FREE TO, DO NOT BLAME ME... BTW the Obama fake birth certificate fake conspiracy is an example of a straw-man ... set up to fail, and to discredit the entire truther movement ... as my song says, if you see no way of knowing what's true, you let others do your thinking for you... the more they can discredit everything, and produce apathy, the more they win, and the easier it is to enforce ANY official narrative (FAKE) ... not to seem paranoid, but I wonder if my laptop etc is being targetted i.e is THAT the reason I get such SLOW uploads and downloads of ANY web page or content? That when I start, I can see 7Mb sometimes, then it goes immediately down to as low as 0, or a few kB ? I have so many vids to upload, but after 2 hours today, sitting here, I am done...getting the rest will have to wait... and cannot make any more videos in the meantime... my food is even going bad as I live on the ground floor so cannot leave any windows open to keep the room relatively cool... and I cannot afford to lose that once this is up, it will be ciao for now...
    hashtag STRAWMAN
    hashtag COUNTERFEIT
    hashtag FAKE

    Public video - 00:41:09

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