The Covid TERRORIST Organisation a.k.a W.H.O a.k.a YOUR occupation government

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    14 subscribers Legal redress? Even Australian Supreme Court playing games, delaying court cases BY MONTHS that are related to UNCONSTITUTIONAL actions of State Governments in Australia, and allowing key witnesses to avoid appearing as 'they haven't had time to prepare as because of Covid they have been spending all their time walking to and from work'...literally !!! So the Australian constitution is treated like toilet paper by State Premiers, and the Australian Supreme court has 'more important things to do' ... beggars belief... but proves how far this Cult of Judah occupation has come in Australia NOT TO MENTION STATES CRIMINALISE PROSCRIPTION OF LIFE-SAVING COVID DRUG ... See past (rather than through) the narrative / frame / googles / filters to see through the LIES and regain control of your lives DOWNLOAD THE ENTIRE TROONATNOOR IMPRINT AT NO COST TO YOU IN PDF FORM

    Public video - 00:27:41

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