Rumble fixed the issue I think

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    Bobbi Duval3 weeks ago
    It's worth what your doing. Even if they don't listen. Your following the law We are commanded to plant seeds. It's for your salvation also. Your amazing. Keep up the good work. I'm not the only one who's been watching you quietly🙏🗡️🛡️
    Antidote For Maya [AboveIsBelow 3]1 day ago
    I was told to get a Rumble account, but they want your phone number or you can't upload.
    View reply from Troo. Tube
    Bobbi Duval3 weeks ago (edited)
    Teach Torah, laws, feasts, sabbath. We can't have enough of that right now. Just a suggestion. Jesus saves. I missed your livestream only bc I was watching vessel of truth. Don't stop!!!

    Public video - 00:07:04

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