Something I have tried many times to do and it is not possible, so it is up to YOU

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    14 subscribers
    MANY THANKS AGAIN TO RYAN VICTOR WHO MAKES THIS STILL POSSIBLEI need someone to set up an email account, linked to a telephone number, then a youtube account, then give me the passwords, and make it possible for me to change them, so I can continue my enterprise on Youtube, where I will keep within the community guidelines but carry out the most truly subversive actions. Very sophisticated. Addressing the core problems UNDERLYING the current situation. Until these are addressed, there is zero chance of liberation, outside of such a major natural disaster that makes any large-scale organisation possible. Until then I will focus on the musical side of my struggle, and keep any insights to myself, in written form, if I feel compelled to note them at all. I will update my demos as I improve them, here, on this channel, on Bitchute.EVEN IF YOU CAN GIVE ME YOUR BITCHUTE ACCOUNT, OR SET ONE UP IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ONE

    Public video - 00:02:56

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