Validation of my suspicion that electrons do NOT flow like water, just oscillate back and forth

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    14 subscribers
    I figured electrons only oscillated back and forth, just a little distance, rather than flowing like water, then returning via the earth to the power station, as so many materials seem to claim... and I have been EMF carries the force, NOT the electrons, which are merely a locus - guide wire - conductor in the sense of offering direction, rather than carrying the motive force, which the EMF does...but how long will they allow the official narrative to be challenged on youtube, before defining it as a violation of some community standard? The Electromagnetic field, the pulse, the power, expands out in all directions around the source, then return to the source, to produce a field around the source...and this EMF propagates along the outside of the conductor ... and is enough for example to power an LED light if it is within the field of the power source directly... before the pulse travelling around the conductor even has time to reach the light, at which time the full power is received at the light ... the moment you engage the power source, if the light is close enough, it will immediately feel the force, and electrons will oscillate back and forth like a SAW through the light's circuit, and then a bit later the full power will arrive by way of the EMF using the circuit, the conductor, as a locus..
    hashtag EMF
    hashtag ELECTRONS
    hashtag ELECTRICITY

    Public video - 00:10:33

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