Good God, and real vs pseudo (COJ) religion i.e uniting vs dividing

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    14 subscribers
    True religion unites, and thus 'binds' in the positive sense, all living things, into a unity a.k.a YOGA a.k.a WHOLE and thus is (W)hol(e)y. False Cult of Judah operations from Judaism to the new Co2vid Cult, divide, and draw arbitrary lines in the sand of exclusive, exceptional, rights, with completely arbitrary prescriptions and proscriptions you must SUBMIT to, rather than universal, rational, laws, like Obadiah's 'For as you do unto others, so shall be done unto you'. The prophet meant it as a warning, but it was framed as an 'ideal utopian value' called 'The Golden Rule' (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'), that is, again, exclusively and exceptionally applied (For Jews only among Jews, and for Gentiles, only among humans).
    hashtag RELIGION 
    hashtag UNITY
    hashtag DIVISION

    Public video - 00:33:32


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