Since when was 'middle east peace' about Bahrain and U.A.E and Israel?

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    14 subscribers
    The full spectrum propaganda can get away with presenting Trump as having achieved 'historic peace deals in the middle east', when the REAL issues have been made WORSE by him, by the same action he is being praised for in the media, namely the move of the Israeli Capital from Israeli territory, into Palestinian Territory, according to the original U.N mandate under which the current state of Israel has lost ALL legal recognition, due to its actions SINCE that mandate was given...Oh and of course Biden is just placeholder for his V.P, like Reagan was SUPPOSED to step down for George Bush. He didn't, and they shot him, to remind him of his 'role' in this political theatre called 'American politics' ... See past (rather than through) the narrative / frame / googles / filters to see through the LIES and regain control of your lives DOWNLOAD THE ENTIRE TROONATNOOR IMPRINT AT NO COST TO YOU IN PDF FORM

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