The Jew World Order Trinity of Hate: The Virgin Mary, Jesus, and Adolf Hitler

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    14 subscribers;i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss The Trinity of Jewish hatred...the Virgin Mary, Jesus, and Hitler
    When you think about it, when Hitler is constantly demonised by the Jewish Hollywood industry, the Jew controlled publishing industry, the Jew controlled mass media, and the Jew World Order occupied nations of the E.Jew, and Jew.S.A, and Putin's new (undeclared) Jew.S.S.R, he is in the best of company.The same people who tell you Hitler was a murderous, evil, madmanAnd that Jesus was an evil, mad, lieing, fraud, who is now boiling in his own excrement for eternity, for his crimes against the Jews.What were his crimes? Exactly the same crimes that Hitler committed against the Jews. He literally threw out the money changers from Germany, as Jesus threw them out of the Temple. Jesus and Hitler both sought reforms, social justice, and the elimination of SEMITISM. Yes folks, Jesus was THE ULTIMATE anti-Semite. Today he would be in jail in any of the Jew World Order occupied nations, from North America to Russia. Soon all Christians who do not denounce Jesus, as Europeans have been forced to denounce Hitler, will face criminal prosecution, and fates worse than death. 'Legal' punishments just like the ones the Talmudic Jews convicted Jesus of, and condemned him to an eternity in hell, boiling in his own faeces and urine.So stop and consider the source of everything YOU know about Hitler and the Nazi's, and 'The Holocaust', before placing you faith in the people the bible calls, 'The Father of Lies'.And consider that the Jew World Order occupational government of the Jew.S.A place Christians higher on their official U.S 'terrorist watch-list' than even groups that publicallly call themselves Nazi.And so Christians have also found themselves in the best of company, alongside evert Right Wing, Libertarian, Constitutionalists, who are all, 

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