The fourth geneva conviction being destroyed by impoverishing the gentile like history knows

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    4 subscribers
    disgusting people are attacking me and beating me up for years.

    Verily, we are products of our society. I have developed into someone who wants to do God's will and scientifically, god is not represented by 3. This defeats the purpose of the word god and the definition of god.

    Mathematically 1 is not 3 1 is not equal to 3. Everything you see operates as one thing.

    I challenge you to name 1 thing that is 3 things and try to make mathematical sense of it when you see everything around you is 1 thing. All the things that make up things are a thing.




    The math of probability that god is always 1 is greater than god always being 3

    it is more probable that god is 1. God is all powerful.

    By definition, a all powerful being that is 3 beings is not 3 beings nor all powerful if it isnt 1 being.

    If something is not probable (nor possible), it is a weaker argument.

    Allah is the only one all powerful God who requires no helpers

    Public video - 00:10:25

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