His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson on Jewish Influence and the Corruption of the Modern Church

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    TradCath Bishop Richard Williamson sits down with reporters during a conference he attended in September 2016 to talk about the ongoing controversy surrounding his "excommunication" for exposing lies concerning the "Holocaust". Responding to various questions he rather gallantly exposes the hypocrisy of Jewishness and the influence Jews have had on the modern corruption of the Roman Catholic faith.

    See TalieVision's growing playlist of pro-White News & Talk videos: https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/0RlhkBihvVL6/

    THE JEWISH REVOLUTIONARY SPIRIT by E. Michael Jones: http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/J/jewish-revolutionary-spirit.html
    Books on the topic by Hutton Gibson (father of Mel): http://www.colchestercollection.com/authors/G/hutton-gibson.html

    Public video - 01:13:45

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