Who Brought the Slaves to America?

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    5 subscribers
    This fascinating film by black historian Walter White, Jr. -- who led the NAACP for almost a quarter of a century -- carefully documents the Jews' role in the "Middle Passage" slave trade.

    It demonstrates that Jews dominated the slave trade. Among it's findings are that Jews owned almost all of the:

    1. trading houses on the shores of Africa that bought African slaves from the Africans who had captured and enslaved them;
    2. shipping companies that transported the slaves to the Americas; and
    3. slave auction houses in the new world that provided the slaves to the plantation owners and others in the market for slaves.

    See TalieVision's growing playlist of pro-White speeches, lectures, sermons, and other presentations: https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/o9WNGFmPNe4L/

    Read "The Myth that Whites Are Uniquely Guilty of Slavery and Must Be Held Accountable": https://www.stormfront.org/forum/blogs/u151910-e4683/

    Public video - 00:40:11


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