Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story NEVER Told!, Episode 7

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    Episode 7 considers the catastrophic results of the spread of Jewish hegemony (A.K.A. "globalism") which has occurred since the crushing defeat of Germany and how the world could be different if the Western Powers had sided with Germany instead of the communist Soviet Union -- which was our true enemy at the time.

    It's said that the winners write history. Far too often that history is a lie. The Allies' version of events surrounding the Third Reich is now fully debunked in Dennis Wise's biographical documentary film on Adolf Hitler.

    Originally released as 27 shorts -- roughly 15-20 minutes each. In this version those 27 original films are spliced together into seven longer versions. The first six are roughly one hour long and the last is about 22 minutes.

    See TalieVision's complete playlist of all seven episodes in the series:

    Scenes from COLE IN AUSCHWITZ are presented in this video, to watch the unabridged version, see:;bpctr=1550757099

    Books on Real History (including WWII):

    Public video - 00:21:39

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