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    John – jesusboy0010 

    6 subscribers
    What Babylon means (literally) is “Confusion”. What a perfect description for the religious world today! The word is often used in reference to Catholicism, but this video looks at the confusion in Evangelical and Pentecostal circles as well… including attempts at ecumenism. Are the churches wrong? Look at the fruit. The greatest hope of the church in the 20th Century ended in false healings, exaggerated “miracles”, insane antics, and unbridled greed. Now others are wanting to start the false gospel all over again. Unwilling to exercise and teach real discipleship, live like the early Christians and practise radical obedience to Jesus, these lukewarm counterfeits will never make an impact for Jesus, much less cause a revival of genuine faith and love in a selfish and godless world.

    Public video - 00:11:46

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