The REAL threat posed by A.I over a few decades, I bet NO-ONE is even TALKING about this

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    14 subscribers
    This is as clear as I can make it, without screen-capture programs, but I think it is simple enough. The main thing is to have no fear of viruses etc, as there is nothing to harm your computer in any way in this folder
    First think how many people would have to survive a cataclysm, for us to retain our current level of Technology. Few of us have ANY idea how the things we take for granted actually operate, let alone are capable of repairing them, or reproducing them. A.I will make MOST professions redundant, so that there will be very few HUMANS who 'know how things work'. Then if A.I shuts down, due to EMF pulses from the sun, etc, think how even FEWER humans, in a few decades time, will have ANY training or education in the fields that A.I is taking over. So this is just one of the many Sci-Fi plots I have written up in some of my books (in the folder even I think), but also A HUGE WARNING CALL ABOUT THE REAL DANGER OF A.I. That humans will lose ALL connection with their technology, and become HELPLESS if A.I either breaks down, or decides it no longer desires to serve US, as servants, slaves, and so on. And I have to consider here, what I did not consider in the video, that BIOLOGICAL machines i.e organisms may perhaps be superior to A.I and other MINERAL based life forms, because they are so ADAPTED and you only need a few to survive any cataclysm, to re-boot evolution (which is what has apparently happened over and over again on this plane-et ... so A.I may be the end of the world as we know it, and the next solar flares might be the re-set... what will WE leave behind? What have WE built that could stand as long as the Pyramids and GRANITE sculptures etc found today in Egypt, which Ramses took credit for, but certainly did NOT have the technology to produce... THIS MIGHT BE MY LAST VID FOR A WHILE, AS I WORK ON UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS, ELECTRICITY, TROONATNOOR ETC ... VICTOR RYAN IS WELCOME TO REQUEST VIDEOS ON ANY TOPIC HE WOULD LIKE, BUT NO-ONE ELSE CAN COMPLAIN IF I STOP DOING THIS, AT LEAST UNTIL I HAVE SOMETHING AS IMPORTANT TO COMMENT ON, SUCH AS THE 'LONG COVID' VIDEO ... OR HAVE SOME INSIGHT I FEEL COMPELLED TO SHARE ... I WILL TRY TO WRITE THEM DOWN FROM NOW ON...WHICH IS SENSIBLE, AS NO-ONE HAS DOWNLOADED MY VIDEOS SO I CANNOT EXPECT THE INVESTMENT TO BE LONG TERM I.E ALL MY VIDEOS WILL DISSAPPEAR SOONER OR LATER FOR REASONS I HAVE EXPLAINED MANY TIMES, AND WHICH ARE PREDICTABLE GIVEN THE TRENDS IN CENSORSHIP ETC
    hashtag AI

    Public video - 00:16:13

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